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Static The Proto

A member registered 59 days ago

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Sorry for long post, I just like sharing my opinions.

I've gotten to 2am, and here's what/why I believe the difficulties should be:

Glove World (9pm): Medium (the tunnel of glove is hell)

Squidward's Monument (10pm): Intense (Big Lenny, as far as I know, has no memorizable pattern and is quite frustrating)

SpongeBob's pineapple (10pm): Medium (the only random part is DoodlePatrick)

Patrick's Rock (10pm): Medium (The parkour is janky, but doable)
3421 Anchor Way (10pm): Easy (literally a snooze)

Barg'N-Mart (11pm): Easy (reminds me of pac-man, but maybe make it harder with the hitcount going from 3 to 2)

Tentacle Acres (11pm): Medium (not hard once you learn how to click)

Mrs. Puff's Boating School (12am): Medium (Mrs. Puff is somehow blind to you hiding in a corner when she sweeps or whatever it is.)

Goofy Goober's (1am): Intense (the peanut always shows up RIGHT when I begin pouring and the big green dude is kinda annoying)

Mermalair (2am): No clue, haven't beaten

huh. interesting. thanks!

Hey! So, I was looking through the files and was confused when I saw the OVRPlugin in there. Is there a reason why, or was that just left over from, like, testing. The main reason I'm curious is because if it is for VR support that would be so cool. (Sorry for re upload I accidentally just typed "C" the first time lol}